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Advocates, Employee disengagement, Employee Engagement, leadership, Management, Nolan Knight, Scott Sensat

Managers Beware – You may not want to join the "rebel alliance"!

This is the time of year that leadership will often make decisions that may upset even the most engaged managers.  Under no circumstance should you ever express your concerns in front of your direct reports.  It is only acceptable to go to your complementary partner, coach, direct supervisor or their supervisor with your concerns.  If you are still not satisfied with the feedback you receive, never join the “rebel alliance.” Remember:
  • the company is paying your salary
  • your employees may not trust you if you criticize leadership 
  • you may not fully understand the decision

Please be patient and let things play out while publicly supporting the change. Ultimately, if you cannot support leadership, then you should begin looking for another job without throwing your current company under the bus!

About SCMG

Vision Implementers with strong opinions on Leadership, Management and Employee Development. Helping organizations and people “get it” for over 20 years. Visit our website at to learn more about us.


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